Elementary School Classroom Library Management Website:
Florida B.E.S.T. Standards
Dear Sarasota Academy of the Arts Families,
Sarasota Academy of the Arts will embrace The Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards for the 2021-2022 school year. The move from Common Core occurred at the state level on February 12, 2020, when the State Board of Education amended Rule 6A-1.09401, Florida Administrative Code, Student Performance Standards, to adopt the B.E.S.T. Standards for English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades K-12. These new standards are posted along with summary documents at www.fldoe.org/standardsreview
Sarasota Academy of the Arts will follow the district's 2021-2022 plan to implement the new B.E.S.T. Standards for ELA by purchasing newly aligned textbooks and related technology for grades K-8. The following school year, 2022-2023, B.E.S.T. Standards for Math newly aligned textbooks and related technology will be purchased. Timeline and Guiding Information below:
Spring/Summer 2021: Professional Development on B.E.S.T. Standards and Instructional Materials ELA.
2021-2022 Academic School Year: Adoption of New ELA Materials
2021-2022 Academic Year: Classroom Implementation of B.E.S.T. Standards in ALL Grades K-8
Spring/Summer 2021 through Fall 2022: Professional Development on B.E.S.T. Standards and Instructional Materials for Mathematics
2022-2023 Academic School Year: Adoption of Mathematics Materials
2022-2023 Academic School Year: Classroom Implementation of B.E.S.T. Standards for Math
Here is another helpful link: Understanding the New Florida BEST Standards
To a great new school year,
Dr. Jodi Kopacz
Sarasota Academy of the Arts will embrace The Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards for the 2021-2022 school year. The move from Common Core occurred at the state level on February 12, 2020, when the State Board of Education amended Rule 6A-1.09401, Florida Administrative Code, Student Performance Standards, to adopt the B.E.S.T. Standards for English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics for grades K-12. These new standards are posted along with summary documents at www.fldoe.org/standardsreview
Sarasota Academy of the Arts will follow the district's 2021-2022 plan to implement the new B.E.S.T. Standards for ELA by purchasing newly aligned textbooks and related technology for grades K-8. The following school year, 2022-2023, B.E.S.T. Standards for Math newly aligned textbooks and related technology will be purchased. Timeline and Guiding Information below:
Spring/Summer 2021: Professional Development on B.E.S.T. Standards and Instructional Materials ELA.
2021-2022 Academic School Year: Adoption of New ELA Materials
2021-2022 Academic Year: Classroom Implementation of B.E.S.T. Standards in ALL Grades K-8
Spring/Summer 2021 through Fall 2022: Professional Development on B.E.S.T. Standards and Instructional Materials for Mathematics
2022-2023 Academic School Year: Adoption of Mathematics Materials
2022-2023 Academic School Year: Classroom Implementation of B.E.S.T. Standards for Math
Here is another helpful link: Understanding the New Florida BEST Standards
To a great new school year,
Dr. Jodi Kopacz
Elementary School Curriculum:
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will be self-contained classrooms. The core curriculum (reading, math, science, and social sciences) will be taught by a classroom teacher at each grade level. Enrichments (music, art, Spanish, technology, and physical education) will be taught by specialists in each field.
Reading/English Language Arts – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 120-minute reading block which uses a Florida-approved reader. Instruction will be provided in reading, writing, grammar, and speaking/listening following the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.
Mathematics – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 60-minute math block which uses a Florida-approved math textbook series. Instruction will be provided in math concepts following the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.
Science – Students in grades K – 5 will have equivalent to a 30-minute science block using a Florida-approved science series. Students will have an opportunity for hands-on investigations. Topics covered will be aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards at each grade level.
Social Studies - Students in grades K – 5 will have equivalent to a 30-minute social studies block using a Florida-approved social studies series. Topics covered will be aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards at each grade level. Students in K – 3 will explore their community, their nation, and their world through the topics of American History, Economics, Geography, and Civics and Government. Fourth grade students will study Florida history, economics, geography, and government. Students in 5th grade will concentrate on the history and geography of the United States from the earliest exploration until 1850.
Elementary Music – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 30-minute class daily in music/performing arts. The daily class will include the following performing arts elements:
Elementary Visual Arts - Kindergarten, first, and second grades will meet for 30 minutes daily and third through fifth grades will meet for 45 minutes daily with an art teacher. The course includes six strands: drawing, paint and color, print, clay, construction, and fabric and fiber. Through these strands students will explore seven visual elements: line, shape, form, color and tone, pattern and rhythm, texture, and spatial organization.
Spanish – Students at the elementary level (K – 5) will have 30-minute classes daily. The course will focus on the geography and culture of Latin America, progressively more difficult vocabulary for basic topics, and listening skills. The course will utilize the Total Physical Response (TPR) method where students demonstrate understanding of the language by physically responding to a command delivered in Spanish. Crafts, music (song and dance), literature, and multimedia presentations will be used to explore the culture of Latin America. Basic topics covering ABCs, numbers, colors, days of the week, and simple greetings will be included at the earliest grade levels. At the intermediate grades, simple commands and responses (several words or simple sentences) will be introduced. There will be a strong focus on listening skills through which students demonstrate their ability to respond to commands identifying sounds, colors, and numbers in addition to topical vocabulary.
Technology - Although technology is infused throughout the curriculum as a means of accessing information and completing writing assignments, a separate technology course will be taught at all grade levels, kindergarten through 5th grade. The International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS’S) forms the basis for the K-8 curriculum. Students will be introduced to the basics of computer use at the earliest grades and progressively add skills. Typing skills will be taught and practiced weekly. Students will be taught practical applications of technology so that they can produce simple reports with proper documentation and simple charts and graphs. By the end of fifth grade, students will be proficient in the design of powerpoints and brochures to present information for language arts, science, and social studies classes. Students will also be taught internet safety, manners, and responsibility through a program such as Common Sense Media’s Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum.
Physical Education - The physical education program will consist of the required 150 minutes of PE per week for grades K-5, with emphasis on the four strands (NGSSS): movement competency, cognitive abilities, lifetime fitness, responsible behaviors and values. The physical education teacher will incorporate games and activities that target the four strands. Students will be assessed on their physical development and on their display of appropriate behaviors and attitudes of good sportsmanship. Creative play activities influence children’s total growth including physical, mental, emotional, and social growth. When children have a chance to be physically active, they continually gain strength. They become more adventurous and adept and learn to take reasonable risks to test their strength. Children’s increased physical ability and improved coordination also allow participation in team sports and other organized activities in which one’s physical ability affects the outcome of the game. Cooperative play within physical education promotes mutual involvement in activities and strengthens social ties among peers.
Students will also receive instruction in health topics as required by NGSSS at the appropriate levels. Included in the topics, but not limited to, will be:
These topics will be incorporated into science and social studies where appropriate. Some will be covered by programs such as Fire Safety presented by the Sarasota County Fire Department or Safety and Awareness presented by the Sarasota Child Protection Team or by guest speakers (physicians, nurses, dentists, or other heath personnel). Any student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment. A student so exempted will not be penalized by reason of that exemption.
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will be self-contained classrooms. The core curriculum (reading, math, science, and social sciences) will be taught by a classroom teacher at each grade level. Enrichments (music, art, Spanish, technology, and physical education) will be taught by specialists in each field.
Reading/English Language Arts – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 120-minute reading block which uses a Florida-approved reader. Instruction will be provided in reading, writing, grammar, and speaking/listening following the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.
Mathematics – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 60-minute math block which uses a Florida-approved math textbook series. Instruction will be provided in math concepts following the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards.
Science – Students in grades K – 5 will have equivalent to a 30-minute science block using a Florida-approved science series. Students will have an opportunity for hands-on investigations. Topics covered will be aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards at each grade level.
Social Studies - Students in grades K – 5 will have equivalent to a 30-minute social studies block using a Florida-approved social studies series. Topics covered will be aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards at each grade level. Students in K – 3 will explore their community, their nation, and their world through the topics of American History, Economics, Geography, and Civics and Government. Fourth grade students will study Florida history, economics, geography, and government. Students in 5th grade will concentrate on the history and geography of the United States from the earliest exploration until 1850.
Elementary Music – Students in grades K – 5 will have a 30-minute class daily in music/performing arts. The daily class will include the following performing arts elements:
- Singing – Solo, unison, and two-part harmony songs will be learned and performed. Students will learn elements of rhythm, pitch, intervals, dynamic levels, and simple sight-reading techniques.
- Dancing – Students will learn choreography and be able to execute simple dance steps.
- Drama – Students will memorize and perform lines in simple plays. Three productions will occur each year and all students will be assigned character parts to portray in each production.
- Performance – The program will be performance-based to afford all students the opportunity for on-stage successful experiences which require teamwork and build confidence. Students will participate in four musical plays each year which will be performed for parents and are part of a community service project for nursing homes, assisted living homes, etc. These will be performed in the fall, during the holiday season in December, and in the spring.
- Music theory – Students will learn to identify notes, rests, and music symbols, and will be afforded the opportunity to have simple ear-training experiences. Clapping various rhythms, marching, and movement to various beats will also be included.
- Orchestra and band instruments will be identified.
- The recorder will be used as an instrument which can be taught in the classroom to a group.
- Students will have exposure to famous composers from various periods (e.g. Baroque, Classical, Renaissance, etc.).
- Students will be afforded the opportunity to attend an opera, an orchestra performance, a ballet, and/or a stage play every year.
- Students will create their own simple compositions.
Elementary Visual Arts - Kindergarten, first, and second grades will meet for 30 minutes daily and third through fifth grades will meet for 45 minutes daily with an art teacher. The course includes six strands: drawing, paint and color, print, clay, construction, and fabric and fiber. Through these strands students will explore seven visual elements: line, shape, form, color and tone, pattern and rhythm, texture, and spatial organization.
Spanish – Students at the elementary level (K – 5) will have 30-minute classes daily. The course will focus on the geography and culture of Latin America, progressively more difficult vocabulary for basic topics, and listening skills. The course will utilize the Total Physical Response (TPR) method where students demonstrate understanding of the language by physically responding to a command delivered in Spanish. Crafts, music (song and dance), literature, and multimedia presentations will be used to explore the culture of Latin America. Basic topics covering ABCs, numbers, colors, days of the week, and simple greetings will be included at the earliest grade levels. At the intermediate grades, simple commands and responses (several words or simple sentences) will be introduced. There will be a strong focus on listening skills through which students demonstrate their ability to respond to commands identifying sounds, colors, and numbers in addition to topical vocabulary.
Technology - Although technology is infused throughout the curriculum as a means of accessing information and completing writing assignments, a separate technology course will be taught at all grade levels, kindergarten through 5th grade. The International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS’S) forms the basis for the K-8 curriculum. Students will be introduced to the basics of computer use at the earliest grades and progressively add skills. Typing skills will be taught and practiced weekly. Students will be taught practical applications of technology so that they can produce simple reports with proper documentation and simple charts and graphs. By the end of fifth grade, students will be proficient in the design of powerpoints and brochures to present information for language arts, science, and social studies classes. Students will also be taught internet safety, manners, and responsibility through a program such as Common Sense Media’s Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum.
Physical Education - The physical education program will consist of the required 150 minutes of PE per week for grades K-5, with emphasis on the four strands (NGSSS): movement competency, cognitive abilities, lifetime fitness, responsible behaviors and values. The physical education teacher will incorporate games and activities that target the four strands. Students will be assessed on their physical development and on their display of appropriate behaviors and attitudes of good sportsmanship. Creative play activities influence children’s total growth including physical, mental, emotional, and social growth. When children have a chance to be physically active, they continually gain strength. They become more adventurous and adept and learn to take reasonable risks to test their strength. Children’s increased physical ability and improved coordination also allow participation in team sports and other organized activities in which one’s physical ability affects the outcome of the game. Cooperative play within physical education promotes mutual involvement in activities and strengthens social ties among peers.
Students will also receive instruction in health topics as required by NGSSS at the appropriate levels. Included in the topics, but not limited to, will be:
- Diseases and injuries
- Healthy behaviors and attitudes
- Names of body parts (head, skin, stomach, heart, lungs, brain)
- Organ systems (cardiovascular, nervous, sensory, skeletal)
- Positive or negative influences on health
- Health care
- Health advocacy
- Responsible choices
These topics will be incorporated into science and social studies where appropriate. Some will be covered by programs such as Fire Safety presented by the Sarasota County Fire Department or Safety and Awareness presented by the Sarasota Child Protection Team or by guest speakers (physicians, nurses, dentists, or other heath personnel). Any student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease including HIV/AIDS, its symptoms, development, and treatment. A student so exempted will not be penalized by reason of that exemption.